REScheck is appropriate for insulation and window trade-off calculations in residential detached one- and two-family buildings and multi-family buildings three stories or less in height above grade, such as apartments, condominiums, and townhouses. REScheck works by performing a simple U-factor x Area (UA) calculation for each building assembly to determine the overall UA of a building. The UA that would result from a building conforming to the code requirements is compared against the UA for your building. If the total heat loss (represented as a UA) through the envelope of your building does not exceed the total heat loss from the same building conforming to the code, the software generates a report that declares your building is compliant with the code.
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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is directed to provide technical assistance to states to support the implementation of model residential and commercial building energy codes (42 USC 6833). As part of this assistance, the DOE Building Energy Codes Program provides ongoing support for REScheck and COMcheck compliance software, which are updated based on new editions of the model codes. DOE has published guidance surrounding its support for the software, including technical assistance requests for modified versions.
HY-8 automates culvert hydraulic computations utilizing a number of essential features that make culvert analysis and design easier. An HY-8 User Manual is included with the software installation (access via 'Help' button on top toolbar) to provide important information on the technical features, capabilities, and limitations of the software.
If you believe you have found an issue with any version of HY-8 (including installation errors, calculation errors, interface problems, confusing functions, errors and omissions in the User Manual, and anything else that might impact the functionality and usability of the software), please submit the following information to Dave Claman (
The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
myViewBoard digital whiteboarding software combines enterprise-level security with cloud-based portability and annotation tools to enhance the way your team connects and collaborates. Convenient features include secure single sign-on to your favorite cloud drives, easy conversion of common office files, QR code sharing, and much more.
Note: In rare cases, DL-Windows 4.1.96 may not be able to perform the update successfully. DL-Windows version 5.1.1 (available here) must then be used in order to successfully download Gateway 3.89 firmware.
Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process".
Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process". 2ff7e9595c