The LFS is a member of the Tasmanian Federation of Film Societies (TFOFS), which is on the Australian Council of Film Societies (ACOFS). Find out more about the film society movement in Australia, find other film societies in Tasmania, or start your own film society.
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The same is not true when I download a digital file of your copyrighted property. In downloading your film, I have not excluded you from its use, or your ability to benefit from it. I have simply circumvented your ability to exclude me from its use. To draw an analogy, this seems more like trespassing on your land than taking your land away from you.
To view the 2019-2020 screening schedule complete with film titles, click here; you can also view the screening schedule for the remainder of the 2018-2019 season here. In addition, youcan call the HOTLINE at (212) 827-1592 or sign up to receive email blasts by sending an email with your name and WGAE member number to 2ff7e9595c